The Drake Inequality

The first Jobless Right Now strip saw the light of day on 11 August 2011. At that time, we were merely a small band of three young, naive graduate students trying to jerk out a laugh or two from the discerning. Today, 218 days later, thanks to the class and backing of our readership, we have grown proudly into a small band of three young, naive graduate students trying to jerk out a laugh or two from the discerning.

And we have centupled our efforts.

That’s correct, Reader — this is our one hundredth strip. It should have been published at midnight CST, but we decided not to thieve the thunder from an old friend who was finishing up his own 100th something.

If you weren’t aware of our appreciation of you, know now. Assume our thrilled thanks every time you click on a URL that lands you here, every time you leave a comment or press one of those buttons at the foot of a post. We like it that you come back to visit us, that you think it worth your while to read us. We owe you for that. Gracias beaucoup and muchas merci. (Yes, our grammar and gratitude don’t mix.)

<visibility petition>
Do follow us. We tweet and we scribble on a periodic wall.
Be a darling and spread what you enjoy. In return, we’d come bury the body for you while you clean up the evidence.
</visibility petition>